

Cumulus is being developed and released under the GPL license. Expressed simply, this license allows you the freedom to view and modify the source code of this program, as well as redistribute it so long as you grant others the same rights too. Please read the license.

Cumulus is being offered to you free of charge in the form of both source code and binary packages.

Before using Cumulus, please read, understand and accept the license and the disclaimer displayed on the first startup of Cumulus:

Do not rely on this software program as your primary source of navigation. You as user are responsible for using official government charts and prudent methods for safe navigation. The information presented in this software program may be outdated or incorrect.

Package variants

Cumulus is available for different environments.

It can run on an Ubuntu or Debian Linux desktop, that you can make familiar with the provided features.

The old PDA environment is the Maemo OS to find on the Nokia Internet Tablets N800/N810/N900.

Due to differences in OS, compilers, libraries and file system layout there are provided separate packages for the different hardware platforms. Please make sure you get the one suited for your system.

Cumulus is also available for Android. Search on Google play for Cumulus from and install it on you device. Here is a short introduction available, which will help you for the first startup.

Refer to our help page for instructions on how to install these different package variants of Cumulus.

Cumulus 5.x

First released: April 2013

Cumulus 5.x.y is the current line based on Qt4.8.x Open Source class library from It can be installed on the Nokia Internet tablets N800/N810/N900 running Maemo OS2008 Diablo, OS 2010 Fremantle or on a Linux desktop PC with X11/Qt4.8.x.

The following packages are provided:

  • cumulus_5.x.y_armel_n8x0.deb for Nokia Internet Tablets N800/N810
  • cumulus_5.x.y_armel_n900.deb for Nokia Internet Tablet N900
  • cumulus_5.x.y_Ubuntu_i386.deb for Ubuntu Desktops includes German language
  • cumulus_5.x.y_Debian_i386.deb for Debian Desktops includes German language
  • cumuluslanguages_5.x.y_armel.deb German language package for the N8x0 and N900 Internet Tablets

Please note that published packages may contain bugs. We are not able to test them in all details.

Internet tablet packages are installable by using the program manager of the tablet. Go onto our download site, pickup the latest release, download it to your tablet and install it there.

For Linux Ubuntu and Debian installable binary packages are provided under this link.

For the installation on other Linux desktops are Debian source packages or only a Makefile available, which builds and installs cumulus under the directory path /opt/cumulus.


If you want to hack on Cumulus, port it to a new platform or if you just want to use the bleeding edge of Cumulus, you can use our daily source snapshot file with the name CumulusQt4-snapshot.tbz. This snapshot is made automatically each night, directly from our subversion source code repository. You will have to compile Cumulus yourself. There is an instruction file INSTALL to find in the root of the source directory but you’ll have to provide a suitable toolchain yourself. On a Linux desktop you need only a X11 environment and the Qt4.7 C++ class libraries or higher from to build Cumulus.

If you make any modifications to Cumulus, please consider sending us a patch and some explanation on what you modified. We may incorporate it into the main release if it looks useful to a wider public. Please see the getting involved page for more information.

GitHub Repository

Cumulus sources are stored in a git repository at GitHub. The ULR to the repository is:

Get a copy of our git repository into your local environment by issuing the command git clone You do not need special access rights for that.